Hoffmann Research Group

Publications at FLI


  • Gene regulation by the tumor suppressor p53 - The omics era.
    Fischer M
    Bba-Rev Cancer 2024 (epub ahead of print)
  • Genomregulation durch Tumorsuppressoren und Onkoproteine
    Fischer M
    BIOspektrum 2024, 30, 123
  • Determinants of p53 DNA binding, gene regulation, and cell fate decisions.
    Fischer** * M, Sammons** * MA
    Cell Death Differ 2024 (epub ahead of print) * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Systematic computational hunting for small RNAs derived from ncRNAs during dengue virus infection in endothelial HMEC-1 cells.
    Gutierrez-Diaz A, Hoffmann S, Gallego-Gómez JC, Bermudez-Santana CI
    Front Bioinform 2024, 4, 1293412
  • Bashing irreproducibility with shournal.
    Kirchner T, Riege K, Hoffmann S
    Sci Rep 2024, 14(1), 4872
  • Nonlinear DNA methylation trajectories in aging male mice.
    Olecka* M, van Bömmel* A, Best L, Haase M, Foerste S, Riege K, Dost T, Flor S, Witte OW, Franzenburg S, Groth M, von Eyss B, Kaleta C, Frahm C, Hoffmann S
    Nat Commun 2024, 15(1), 3074 * equal contribution
  • Transthyretin orchestrates vitamin B12-induced stress resilience
    Stein G, S Aly J, Manzolillo A, Lange L, Riege K, Hussain I, A Heller E, Cubillos S, A Ernst T, A Huebner C, Turecki G, Hoffmann S, Engmann O
    bioRxiv 2024, 10.1101/2024.02.07.578164
  • Npbwr1 signaling mediates fast antidepressant action
    Stein G, S.Aly J, Lange L, Manzolillo A, Riege K, Brancato A, A.Hübner C, Turecki G, Hoffmann S, Engmann O
    bioRxiv 2024, 10.1101/2024.02.02.578166
  • An artificial intelligence-assisted clinical framework to facilitate diagnostics and translational discovery in hematologic neoplasia.
    Tang M, Antić Ž, Fardzadeh P, Pietzsch S, Schröder C, Eberhardt A, van Bömmel A, Escherich G, Hofmann W, Horstmann MA, Illig T, McCrary JM, Lentes J, Metzler M, Nejdl W, Schlegelberger B, Schrappe M, Zimmermann M, Miarka-Walczyk K, Patsorczak A, Cario G, Renard BY, Stanulla M, Bergmann AK
    EBioMedicine 2024 (epub ahead of print)


  • Recurrent DNMT3B rearrangements are associated with unfavorable outcome in dicentric (9;20)-positive pediatric BCP-ALL.
    Antić Ž, van Bömmel A, Riege K, Lentes J, Schröder C, Alten J, Eckert C, Fuhrmann L, Steinemann D, Lenk L, Schewe DM, Zimmermann M, Schrappe M, Schlegelberger B, Cario G, Hoffmann S, Bergmann AK
    Leukemia 2023, 37(12), 2522-5