FLI at School
Communicating the contents of our research and introducing children to the fascinating world of science at an early age is important to us. That is why we offer numerous activities for children and young people of different ages.
At our institute, children and young people can learn interesting things about aging research at our institute. They can experience how physical functions change in old age and the resulting challenges faced by older people in everyday life with the help of age simulations. In addition, we teach the scientific basics of aging, genetics and stem cell research.
Below you will find an overview of our offers for different age groups.
Due to limited time capacities, we can offer individual events only after early contact.
How old is the oldest person in the world? Why do children and their parents look alike? With these and other exciting questions, we introduce preschool children to the world of genetics and aging research. With the microscope, children can see the smallest creatures and playfully experience with our age simulations, how senses change in old age.
If you are interested, please contact us early (at least 2-3 months in advance) to make an appointment.

For elementary school classes we offer an age-appropriate and interesting program on science and aging research. The children can carry out their own little experiments and try various age simulations. In this way, we provide insights into the scientific work at our research institute.
If you are interested, please contact us early (at least 2-3 months in advance) to make an appointment.

On the occasion of the annual "Girls' and Boys' Day" the "Forsche Schüler Tag" takes place on the Beutenberg Campus in Jena, where many research institutes open their doors to interested students.
While experimenting in the laboratory, the students can take a look behind the scenes of an international research institute and learn interesting things about aging research. The talks given by the trainees of our two training courses "Animal Caretaker Research/Clinics" and "Biology Lab Assistant" provide an insight into their everyday working life. In selected scientific lectures, we also present various areas of our scientific aging research.
Individual registrations via the Beutenberg Campus e.V.
Secondary II, advanced course biology: Unistem Day
