Former Cooperation Group - Jasper (until 2018)
Last Projects
Jasper lab studied how diverse inputs such as growth and stress signaling pathways (e.g. Insulin, JNK), metabolic processes and proteasome stress influence stem cells and how these inputs change during aging.
Furthermore, the lab was interested in the intrinsic controls that govern the unique identity of adult stem cells. The researchers have discovered several key players that control stem cell maintenance and differentiation and are continuing to expand our knowledge on the transcriptional network that governs adult stem cell identity.
They were collaborating with the groups Ori and Rudolph to find common mechanisms in organismal aging at the stem cell level. To address the research questions, the lab used a wide range of molecular, genetic, genomic and imaging techniques such as FACS, RNA-Seq, clonal analysis of stem cell division, confocal imaging and organoid culture.


Heinrich Jasper
Photo: Buck Institute for Research on Aging