Kestler Associated Research Group



  • Genetic Factors of the Disease Course After Sepsis: Rare Deleterious Variants Are Predictive.
    Taudien* S, Lausser* L, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Sponholz C, Schöneweck F, Felder M, Schirra LR, Schmid F, Gogos C, Groth S, Petersen BS, Franke A, Lieb W, Huse K, Zipfel PF, Kurzai O, Moepps B, Gierschik P, Bauer M, Scherag A, Kestler** HA, Platzer** M
    EBioMedicine 2016, 12, 227-38 * equal contribution, ** co-senior authors
  • TraqBio - Flexible Progress Tracking for Core Unit Projects.
    Völkel G, Wiese S, Holzmann K, Kraus JM, Schneider F, Görlach M, Kestler HA
    PLoS One 2016, 11(9), e0162857
  • Analysis of Large and Complex Data
    Wilhelm AFX, Kestler HA (eds)
    Book series: Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization 2016, Springer International Publishin


  • Insights into Sex Chromosome Evolution and Aging from the Genome of a Short-Lived Fish.
    Reichwald* K, Petzold* A, Koch* P, Downie* BR, Hartmann* N, Pietsch S, Baumgart M, Chalopin D, Felder M, Bens M, Sahm A, Szafranski K, Taudien S, Groth M, Arisi I, Weise A, Bhatt SS, Sharma V, Kraus JM, Schmid F, Priebe S, Liehr T, Görlach M, Than ME, Hiller M, Kestler HA, Volff JN, Schartl M, Cellerino** A, Englert** C, Platzer** M
    Cell 2015, 163(6), 1527-38 * equal contribution, ** co-senior authors, featured in Cell Preview by Vanisha Lakhina and Coleen T. Murphy: Genome Sequencing Fishes out Longevity Genes. Cell. 2015 163(6):1312-3,Nature News by Ewen Callaway: Short-lived fish may hold clues to human age