Kestler Associated Research Group



  • Semantic multi-classifier systems for the analysis of gene expression profiles
    Lausser* L, Schmid* F, Platzer M, Sillanpää JM, Kestler AH
    Data Science Series A (Online-First) 2016, 1(1) * equal contribution
  • BiTrinA - multiscale binarization and trinarization with quality analysis.
    Mϋssel C, Schmid F, Blätte TJ, Hopfensitz M, Lausser** L, Kestler** HA
    Bioinformatics 2016, 32(3), 465-8 ** co-senior authors
  • Cool-temperature-mediated activation of phospholipase C-γ2 in the human hereditary disease PLAID.
    Schade A, Walliser C, Wist M, Haas J, Vatter P, Kraus JM, Filingeri D, Havenith G, Kestler HA, Milner JD, Gierschik P
    Cell Signal 2016, 28(9), 1237-51
  • GiANT: Gene set uncertainty in enrichment analysis.
    Schmid F, Schmid M, Müssel C, Sträng JE, Buske C, Bullinger L, Kraus JM, Kestler HA
    Bioinformatics 2016, 32(12), 1891-4
  • Epigenetic stress responses induce muscle stem-cell ageing by Hoxa9 developmental signals.
    Schwörer S, Becker F, Feller C, Baig AH, Köber U, Henze H, Kraus JM, Xin B, Lechel A, Lipka DB, Varghese CS, Schmidt M, Rohs R, Aebersold R, Medina KL, Kestler HA, Neri F, von Maltzahn** J, Tümpel** S, Rudolph** KL
    Nature 2016, 540(7633), 428-32 ** co-corresponding authors