Kestler Associated Research Group



  • Chained correlations for feature selection
    Lausser* L, Szekely* R, Kestler HA
    ADV DATA ANAL CLASSI 2020, 14, 871–884 * equal contribution
  • Aneuploidy-inducing gene knockdowns overlap with cancer mutations and identify Orp3 as a B-cell lymphoma suppressor.
    Njeru* SN, Kraus* J, Meena* JK, Lechel A, Katz SF, Kumar M, Knippschild U, Azoitei A, Wezel F, Bolenz C, Leithäuser F, Gollowitzer A, Omrani O, Hoischen C, Koeberle A, Kestler** HA, Günes** C, Rudolph** KL
    Oncogene 2020, 39(7), 1445-65 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Elevated Hedgehog activity contributes to attenuated DNA damage responses in aged hematopoietic cells.
    Scheffold A, Baig AH, Chen Z, von Löhneysen SE, Becker F, Morita Y, Avila AI, Groth M, Lechel A, Schmid F, Kraus JM, Kestler HA, Stilgenbauer S, Philipp M, Burkhalter MD
    Leukemia 2020, 34(4), 1125-34


  • Cohesin-mediated NF-κB signaling limits hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal in aging and inflammation.
    Chen Z, Amro EM, Becker F, Hölzer M, Rasa SMM, Njeru SN, Han B, Di Sanzo S, Chen Y, Tang D, Tao S, Haenold R, Groth M, Romanov VS, Kirkpatrick JM, Kraus JM, Kestler HA, Marz M, Ori A, Neri F, Morita** Y, Rudolph** KL
    J Exp Med 2019, 216(1), 152-75 ** co-corresponding authors
  • Comment on 'Naked mole-rat mortality rates defy Gompertzian laws by not increasing with age'.
    Dammann* P, Scherag* A, Zak N, Szafranski K, Holtze S, Begall S, Burda H, Kestler HA, Hildebrandt T, Platzer M
    Elife 2019, 8 * corresponding author