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  • In-silico modeling of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint.
    Ibrahim B, Diekmann S, Schmitt E, Dittrich P
    PLoS One 2008, 3(2), e1555
  • Mad2 binding is not sufficient for complete Cdc20 sequestering in mitotic transition control (an in silico study).
    Ibrahim B, Dittrich P, Diekmann S, Schmitt E
    Biophys Chem 2008, 134(1-2), 93-100
  • Marsupial uncoupling protein 1 sheds light on the evolution of mammalian nonshivering thermogenesis.
    Jastroch M, Withers KW, Taudien S, Frappell PB, Helwig M, Fromme T, Hirschberg V, Heldmaier G, McAllan BM, Firth BT, Burmester T, Platzer M, Klingenspor M
    Physiol Genomics 2008, 32(2), 161-9
  • The actinome of Dictyostelium discoideum in comparison to actins and actin-related proteins from other organisms.
    Joseph JM, Fey P, Ramalingam N, Liu XI, Rohlfs M, Noegel AA, Müller-Taubenberger A, Glöckner G, Schleicher M
    PLoS One 2008, 3(7), e2654
  • The role of Kinesin neck linker and neck in velocity regulation.
    Kalchishkova N, Böhm KJ
    J Mol Biol 2008, 382(1), 127-35
  • Expression and characterization of human full-length Eg5 kinesin.
    Kalchishkova N, Böhm KJ
    Eur J Cell Biol Suppl 2008, 87S(Suppl. 1), S3-14
  • Carbonyl reductase 1 is a predominant doxorubicin reductase in the human liver.
    Kassner N, Huse K, Martin HJ, Gödtel-Armbrust U, Metzger A, Meineke I, Brockmöller J, Klein K, Zanger UM, Maser E, Wojnowski L
    Drug Metab Dispos 2008, 36(10), 2113-20
  • Heteronuclear J cross-polarisation in liquids using amplitude and phase modulated mixing sequences.
    Kirschstein A, Herbst C, Riedel K, Carella M, Leppert J, Ohlenschläger O, Görlach M, Ramachandran R
    J Biomol NMR 2008, 40(4), 277-83
  • Broadband homonuclear TOCSY with amplitude and phase-modulated RF mixing schemes.
    Kirschstein A, Herbst C, Riedel K, Carella M, Leppert J, Ohlenschläger O, Görlach M, Ramachandran R
    J Biomol NMR 2008, 40(4), 227-37
  • Combined kinetic osmometry and pyrometric microcalorimetry on protein solutions: Setup and data evaluation.
    Klupsch T, Walter A, Mühlig P, Hilgenfeld R
    Colloid Surface A 2008, 318(1-3), 24-44