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  • Lentiviral in situ targeting of stem cells in unperturbed intestinal epithelium.
    Garside GB, Sandoval M, Beronja** S, Rudolph** KL
    BMC Biol 2023, 21(1), 6 ** co-corresponding authors
  • Deletion of Cd44 Inhibits Metastasis Formation of Liver Cancer in Nf2 -Mutant Mice.
    Gerardo-Ramírez M, Giam V, Becker D, Groth M, Hartmann N, Morrison H, May-Simera HL, Radsak MP, Marquardt JU, Galle PR, Herrlich P, Straub BK, Hartmann M
    Cells 2023, 12(9), 1257
  • Comparative analysis of thyroid hormone systems in rodents with subterranean lifestyle.
    Gerhardt P, Begall S, Frädrich C, Renko K, Hildebrandt TB, Holtze S, Heinrich A, Sahm A, Meci X, Köhrle J, Rijntjes E, Henning Y
    Sci Rep 2023, 13(1), 3122
  • Author Correction: The evolutionary history of 2,658 cancers.
    Gerstung M, Jolly C, Leshchiner I, Dentro SC, Gonzalez S, Rosebrock D, Mitchell TJ, Rubanova Y, Anur P, Yu K, Tarabichi M, Deshwar A, Wintersinger J, Kleinheinz K, Vázquez-García I, Haase K, Jerman L, Sengupta S, Macintyre G, Malikic S, Donmez N, Livitz DG, Cmero M, Demeulemeester J, Schumacher S, Fan Y, Yao X, Lee J, Schlesner M, Boutros PC, Bowtell DD, Zhu H, Getz G, Imielinski M, Beroukhim R, Sahinalp SC, Ji Y, Peifer M, Markowetz F, Mustonen V, Yuan K, Wang W, Morris QD, PCAWG Evolution and Heterogeneity Working Group, Spellman PT, Wedge DC, Van Loo P, PCAWG Consortium
    Nature 2023, 614(7948), E42
  • Polyglucosan body density in the aged mouse hippocampus is controlled by a novel modifier locus on chromosome 1.
    Gómez-Pascual* A, Glikman* DM, Ng* HX, Tomkins JE, Lu L, Xu Y, Ashbrook DG, Kaczorowski C, Kempermann G, Killmar J, Mozhui K, Aebersold R, Williams EG, Williams** RW, Overall RW, Jucker M, de Bakker** DEM
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.11.22.567373 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • The biological functions of PARP1
    Gong Y
    Dissertation 2023, Jena, Germany
  • Corepressor inactivation through tandem linear motif-induced polymerization
    Goradia* N, Werner* S, Mullapudi E, Greimeier S, Merkens L, Lang A, Mertens H, Węglarz A, Sander S, Chojnowski G, Wikman H, Ohlenschläger O, von Amsberg G, Pantel K, Wilmanns M
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.06.16.545227 * equal contribution
  • Protecting RNA quality for spatial transcriptomics while improving immunofluorescent staining quality.
    Hahn N, Bens M, Kempfer M, Reißig C, Schmidl L, Geis C
    Front Neurosci 2023, 17, 1198154
  • Impact of inflammatory preconditioning on murine microglial proteome response induced by focal ischemic brain injury
    Helbing DL, Haas F, Cirri E, Rahnis N, Thuy Dung Dau T, Kelmer Sacramento E, Oraha N, Böhm L, Morrison H, Bauer R
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.04.13.536755
  • Proteomic analysis of peripheral nerve myelin during murine aging.
    Helbing DL, Kirkpatrick JM, Reuter M, Bischoff J, Stockdale A, Carlstedt A, Cirri E, Bauer R, Morrison H
    Front Cell Neurosci 2023, 17, 1214003