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  • Integrated omics approaches to study protein complexes in neuronal differentiation and brain aging
    Di Fraia D
    Dissertation 2023, Jena, Germany
  • Impaired biogenesis of basic proteins impacts multiple hallmarks of the aging brain
    Di Fraia* D, Marino* A, Ho Lee* J, Kelmer Sacramento E, Baumgart M, Bagnoli S, Tomaz da Silva P, Kumar Sahu A, Siano G, Tiessen M, Terzibasi-Tozzini E, Gagneur J, Frydman** J, Cellerino** A, Ori** A
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.07.20.549210 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Editorial: Guardians of protein homeostasis (proteostasis) in health, disease and aging.
    Dougan** DA, Truscott** KN, Kirstein** J
    Front Mol Biosci 2023, 10, 1350666 ** co-corresponding authors
  • Cell fate determinant Llgl1 is required for propagation of acute myeloid leukemia.
    Eifert T, Hsu CJ, Becker AL, Graessle S, Horne A, Bemmann F, Zhang Q, Heuser M, Vasioukhin V, Scholl S, Hochhaus A, Siegerist F, Endlich N, Bullinger L, Lane SW, Haas S, Schnoeder TM, Heidel FH
    Leukemia 2023, 37(10), 2027-35
  • p53 and MYC-regulated squalene epoxidase as Achilles heel in colorectal cancer.
    Fischer M
    Int J Biol Sci 2023, 19(15), 4831
  • Physiological media advance cell culture experiments.
    Fischer M
    Trends Biochem Sci 2023, 48(2), 103-5
  • The landscape of human p53-regulated long non-coding RNAs reveals critical host gene co-regulation.
    Fischer M, Riege K, Hoffmann S
    MOL ONCOL 2023, 17(7), 1263-79
  • Human gene-engineered calreticulin mutant stem cells recapitulate MPN hallmarks and identify targetable vulnerabilities.
    Foßelteder J, Pabst G, Sconocchia T, Schlacher A, Auinger L, Kashofer K, Beham-Schmid C, Trajanoski S, Waskow C, Schöll W, Sill H, Zebisch A, Wölfler A, Thomas D, Reinisch A
    Leukemia 2023, 37(4), 843-53
  • Impact of Hypermannosylation on the Structure and Functionality of the ER and the Golgi Complex.
    Franzka P, Schüler SC, Kentache T, Storm R, Bock A, Katona I, Weis J, Buder K, Kaether C, Hübner CA
    Biomedicines 2023, 11(1), 146.doi: 10.3390/biomedicines110
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Neuro-Immunometabolic Hypothesis of the Developmental Origins.
    Frasch MG, Yoon BJ, Helbing DL, Snir G, Antonelli MC, Bauer R
    Biology (Basel) 2023, 12(7)