Morrison Research Group



  • Inactivation of Horseradish Peroxidase by Acid for Sequential Chemiluminescent Western Blot.
    Han S, Cui Y, Helbing DL
    Biotechnol J 2020, 15(3), e1900397
  • Neurofibromatosis type 2 and multiple sclerosis.
    Helbing DL, Brodhun M, Tiedge O, Morrison H, Rosahl SK
    MULT SCLER RELAT DIS 2020, 39, 101890
  • Pathomechanisms in schwannoma development and progression.
    Helbing DL, Schulz A, Morrison H
    Oncogene 2020, 39(32), 5421-9
  • Reduced proteasome activity in the aging brain results in ribosome stoichiometry loss and aggregation.
    Kelmer Sacramento* E, Kirkpatrick* JM, Mazzetto* M, Baumgart M, Bartolome A, Di Sanzo S, Caterino C, Sanguanini M, Papaevgeniou N, Lefaki M, Childs D, Bagnoli S, Terzibasi Tozzini E, Di Fraia D, Romanov N, Sudmant PH, Huber W, Chondrogianni N, Vendruscolo M, Cellerino** A, Ori** A
    Mol Syst Biol 2020, 16(6), e9596 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • CD44 (Cluster of differentiation 44) promotes osteosarcoma progression in mice lacking the tumor suppressor Merlin.
    Ma* J, Klemm* J, Gerardo-Ramírez M, Frappart L, Castven D, Becker D, Zoch A, Parent R, Bartosch B, Minnich K, Giovannini M, Danckwardt S, Hartmann N, Morrison H, Herrlich** P, Marquardt** JU, Hartmann** M
    Int J Cancer 2020, 147(9), 2564-77 * equal contribution, ** co-senior authors
  • SHP1 regulates a STAT6-ITGB3 axis in FLT3ITD-positive AML cells.
    Reich D, Kresinsky A, Müller JP, Bauer R, Kallenbach J, Schnoeder TM, Heidel FH, Fässler R, Mann M, Böhmer FD, Jayavelu AK
    Leukemia 2020, 34(5), 1444-9
  • The stress-responsive gene GDPGP1/mcp-1 regulates neuronal glycogen metabolism and survival.
    Schulz A, Sekine Y, Oyeyemi MJ, Abrams AJ, Basavaraju M, Han SM, Groth M, Morrison H, Strittmatter SM, Hammarlund M
    J Cell Biol 2020, 219(2), doi: 10.1083/jcb.201807127


  • Construction of cloning-friendly mini-genes for mammalian expression of full-length human NF1 isoforms.
    Cui Y, Morrison H
    Hum Mutat 2019, 40(2), 187-92
  • The NF2 tumor suppressor merlin interacts with Ras and RasGAP, which may modulate Ras signaling.
    Cui* Y, Groth* S, Troutman S, Carlstedt A, Sperka T, Riecken LB, Kissil JL, Jin H, Morrison H
    Oncogene 2019, 38(36), 6370-81 * equal contribution
  • Preclinical Assessment of MEK1/2 Inhibitors for Neurofibromatosis Type 2-Associated Schwannomas Reveal Differences in Efficacy and Drug Resistance Development.
    Fuse MA, Dinh CT, Vitte J, Kirkpatrick J, Mindos T, Plati SK, Young JI, Huang J, Carlstedt A, Franco MC, Brnjos K, Nagamoto J, Petrilli A, Copik AJ, Soulakova JN, Bracho O, Yan D, Mittal R, Shen R, Telischi FF, Morrison H, Giovannini M, Liu XZ, Chang LS, Fernandez-Valle C
    Neuro-oncol 2019, 21(4), 486-97