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  • Microbiome and immuno-metabolic dysregulation in patients with major depressive disorder with atypical clinical presentation.
    Refisch A, Sen ZD, Klassert TE, Busch A, Besteher B, Danyeli LV, Helbing D, Schulze-Späte U, Stallmach A, Bauer M, Panagiotou G, Jacobsen ID, Slevogt H, Opel N, Walter M
    Neuropharmacology 2023, 235, 109568
  • Simultaneous Nbs1 and p53 inactivation in neural progenitors triggers High-Grade Gliomas (HGG).
    Reuss DE, Downing SM, Camacho CV, Wang YD, Piro RM, Herold-Mende C, Wang ZQ, Hofmann TG, Sahm F, von Deimling A, McKinnon PJ, Frappart PO
    Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2023, 49(4), e12915
  • Author Correction: Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes.
    Rheinbay E, Nielsen MM, Abascal F, Wala JA, Shapira O, Tiao G, Hornshøj H, Hess JM, Juul RI, Lin Z, Feuerbach L, Sabarinathan R, Madsen T, Kim J, Mularoni L, Shuai S, Lanzós A, Herrmann C, Maruvka YE, Shen C, Amin SB, Bandopadhayay P, Bertl J, Boroevich KA, Busanovich J, Carlevaro-Fita J, Chakravarty D, Chan CWY, Craft D, Dhingra P, Diamanti K, Fonseca NA, Gonzalez-Perez A, Guo Q, Hamilton MP, Haradhvala NJ, Hong C, Isaev K, Johnson TA, Juul M, Kahles A, Kahraman A, Kim Y, Komorowski J, Kumar K, Kumar S, Lee D, Lehmann KV, Li Y, Liu EM, Lochovsky L, Park K, Pich O, Roberts ND, Saksena G, Schumacher SE, Sidiropoulos N, Sieverling L, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Stewart C, Tamborero D, Tubio JMC, Umer HM, Uusküla-Reimand L, Wadelius C, Wadi L, Yao X, Zhang CZ, Zhang J, Haber JE, Hobolth A, Imielinski M, Kellis M, Lawrence MS, von Mering C, Nakagawa H, Raphael BJ, Rubin MA, Sander C, Stein LD, Stuart JM, Tsunoda T, Wheeler DA, Johnson R, Reimand J, Gerstein M, Khurana E, Campbell PJ, López-Bigas N, PCAWG Drivers and Functional Interpretation Working Group, PCAWG Structural Variation Working Group, Weischenfeldt J, Beroukhim R, Martincorena I, Pedersen JS, Getz G, PCAWG Consortium
    Nature 2023, 614(7948), E40
  • The Tgf-β family member Gdf6Y determines the male sex in Nothobranchius furzeri by suppressing oogenesis-inducing genes
    Richter A, Mörl H, Thielemann M, Kleemann M, Geißen R, Schwarz R, Albertz C, Koch P, Petzold A, Groth M, Hartmann N, Herpin A, Englert C
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.05.26.542338
  • Navigating the Landscape: A Comprehensive Review of Current Virus Databases.
    Ritsch M, Cassman NA, Saghaei S, Marz M
    Viruses 2023, 15(9)
  • Author Correction: Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition.
    Rodriguez-Martin B, Alvarez EG, Baez-Ortega A, Zamora J, Supek F, Demeulemeester J, Santamarina M, Ju YS, Temes J, Garcia-Souto D, Detering H, Li Y, Rodriguez-Castro J, Dueso-Barroso A, Bruzos AL, Dentro SC, Blanco MG, Contino G, Ardeljan D, Tojo M, Roberts ND, Zumalave S, Edwards PA, Weischenfeldt J, Puiggròs M, Chong Z, Chen K, Lee EA, Wala JA, Raine KM, Butler A, Waszak SM, Navarro FCP, Schumacher SE, Monlong J, Maura F, Bolli N, Bourque G, Gerstein M, Park PJ, Wedge DC, Beroukhim R, Torrents D, Korbel JO, Martincorena I, Fitzgerald RC, Van Loo P, Kazazian HH, Burns KH, PCAWG Structural Variation Working Group, Campbell PJ, Tubio JMC, PCAWG Consortium
    Nat Genet 2023, 55(6), 1080
  • Gene regulatory network inference with popInfer reveals dynamic regulation of hematopoietic stem cell quiescence upon diet restriction and aging.
    Rommelfanger* MK, Behrends* M, Chen Y, Martinez J, Bens M, Xiong L, Rudolph** KL, MacLean** AL
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.04.18.537360 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Explaining variation in individual aging, its sources, and consequences: A comprehensive conceptual model of human aging.
    Rothermund K, Englert C, Gerstorf D
    Gerontology 2023, 69(12), 1437-47
  • The African killifish: A short-lived vertebrate model to study the biology of sarcopenia and longevity.
    Ruparelia AA, Salavaty A, Barlow CK, Lu Y, Sonntag C, Hersey L, Eramo MJ, Krug J, Reuter H, Schittenhelm RB, Ramialison M, Cox A, Ryan MT, Creek DJ, Englert C, Currie PD
    Aging Cell 2023, 23(1), e13862
  • ABRAXAS1 orchestrates BRCA1 activities to counter genome destabilizing repair pathways-lessons from breast cancer patients.
    Sachsenweger J, Jansche R, Merk T, Heitmeir B, Deniz M, Faust U, Roggia C, Tzschach A, Schroeder C, Riess A, Pospiech H, Peltoketo H, Pylkäs K, Winqvist R, Wiesmüller L
    Cell Death Dis 2023, 14(5), 328