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  • Tau mediates the reshaping of the transcriptional landscape toward intermediate Alzheimer's disease stages.
    Siano G, Varisco M, Terrigno M, Wang C, Scarlatti A, Iannone V, Groth M, Galas MC, Hoozemans JJM, Cellerino A, Cattaneo A, Di Primio C
    Front Cell Dev Biol 2024, 12, 1459573
  • Endothelial LATS2 is a suppressor of bone marrow fibrosis
    Sivaraj KK, Majev PG, Dharmalingam B, Schröder S, Banjanin B, Stehling M, Zeuschner D, Nordheim A, Schneider RK, Adams RH
    Nat Cardiovasc Res 2024, 3(8), 951-69
  • Pyjacker identifies enhancer hijacking events in acute myeloid leukemia including MNX1 activation via deletion 7q
    Sollier E, Riedel A, H.Toprak U, A.Wierzbinska J, Weichenhan D, Philipp Schmid J, Hakobyan M, Touzart A, Jahn E, Vick B, Brown-Burke F, Kelly K, Kelekci S, Pejkovska A, Goyal A, Bähr M, Breuer K, May Chen MJ, Llamazares-Prada M, Hartmann M, Schönung M, Correia N, Trumpp A, Abdullah Y, Klingmüller U, S.Mughal S, Brors B, Westermann F, Schlesner M, Vosberg S, Herold T, A.Greif P, Pfeifer D, Lübbert M, Fischer T, H.Heidel F, Gebhard C, Walter W, Haferlach T, Eisfeld AK, Mrózek K, Nicolet D, Bullinger L, Smeenk L, Erpelinck C, Mulet-Lazaro R, Delwel R, Ernst A, Scherer M, Lutsik P, Jeremias I, Döhner K, Döhner H, B.Lipka D, Plass C
    bioRxiv 2024,
  • The cytoskeletal protein Leiomodin 1 controls Sirtuin 1 localization during myogenic differentiation
    Späth E
    Dissertation 2024, Jena, Germany
  • Leiomodin 1 promotes myogenic differentiation by modulating Sirtuin 1
    Späth* E, C.Schüler* S, Heinze I, Dau T, Minetti A, Hofmann M, von Maltzahn** J, Ori** A
    bioRxiv 2024, * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Npbwr1 signaling mediates fast antidepressant action.
    Stein G, Aly JS, Lange L, Manzolillo A, Riege K, Brancato A, Hübner CA, Turecki G, Hoffmann S, Engmann O
    Mol Psychiatry 2024 (epub ahead of print)
  • Transthyretin orchestrates vitamin B12-induced stress resilience.
    Stein G, Aly JS, Manzolillo A, Lange L, Riege K, Hussain I, Heller EA, Cubillos S, Ernst T, Hübner CA, Turecki G, Hoffmann S, Engmann O
    Biol Psychiatry 2024 (epub ahead of print)
  • Npbwr1 signaling mediates fast antidepressant action
    Stein G, S.Aly J, Lange L, Manzolillo A, Riege K, Brancato A, A.Hübner C, Turecki G, Hoffmann S, Engmann O
    bioRxiv 2024, 10.1101/2024.02.02.578166
  • Proteomic profiling reveals CEACAM6 function in driving gallbladder cancer aggressiveness through integrin receptor, PRKCD and AKT/ERK signaling.
    Sugiyanto RN, Metzger C, Inal A, Truckenmueller F, Gür K, Eiteneuer E, Huth T, Fraas A, Heinze I, Kirkpatrick J, Sticht C, Albrecht T, Goeppert B, Poth T, Pusch S, Mehrabi A, Schirmacher P, Ji J, Ori A, Roessler S
    Cell Death Dis 2024, 15(10), 780
  • An artificial intelligence-assisted clinical framework to facilitate diagnostics and translational discovery in hematologic neoplasia.
    Tang M, Antić Ž, Fardzadeh P, Pietzsch S, Schröder C, Eberhardt A, van Bömmel A, Escherich G, Hofmann W, Horstmann MA, Illig T, McCrary JM, Lentes J, Metzler M, Nejdl W, Schlegelberger B, Schrappe M, Zimmermann M, Miarka-Walczyk K, Patsorczak A, Cario G, Renard BY, Stanulla M, Bergmann AK
    EBioMedicine 2024, 104, 105171