Cellerino Associated Research Group



  • Potential negative impacts and low effectiveness in the use of African annual killifish in the biocontrol of aquatic mosquito larvae in temporary water bodies.
    Reichard M, Watters BR, Wildekamp RH, Sonnenberg R, Nagy B, Polacik M, Valdesalici S, Cellerino A, Cooper BJ, Hengstler H, Rosenstock J, Sainthouse I
    Parasit Vectors 2010, 3, 89


  • Exogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reverts phenotypic changes in the retinas of transgenic mice lacking the BDNF gene.
    Arango-González* B, Cellerino* A, Kohler K
    Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2009, 50(3), 1416-22 * equal contribution, published during change of institution
  • Life Extension in the Short-Lived Fish Nothobranchius furzeri
    Cellerino A
    In: Aging Medicine (edited by Sell C, Lorenzini A, BrownBorg HM), Life-Span Extension: Single-Cell Organisms to Man 2009, 157-71, Humana Press Inc., Totow
  • Telomeres shorten while Tert expression increases during ageing of the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri.
    Hartmann N, Reichwald K, Lechel A, Graf M, Kirschner J, Dorn A, Terzibasi E, Wellner J, Platzer M, Rudolph KL, Cellerino A, Englert C
    Mech Ageing Dev 2009, 130(5), 290-6
  • High tandem repeat content in the genome of the short-lived annual fish Nothobranchius furzeri: a new vertebrate model for aging research.
    Reichwald K, Lauber C, Nanda I, Kirschner J, Hartmann N, Schories S, Gausmann U, Taudien S, Schilhabel MB, Szafranski K, Glöckner G, Schmid M, Cellerino A, Schartl M, Englert C, Platzer M
    Genome Biol 2009, 10(2), R16
  • Age-dependent remodelling of retinal circuitry.
    Terzibasi E, Calamusa M, Novelli E, Domenici L, Strettoi E, Cellerino A
    Neurobiol Aging 2009, 30(5), 819-28 published during change of institution
  • Effects of dietary restriction on mortality and age-related phenotypes in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri.
    Terzibasi E, Lefrançois C, Domenici P, Hartmann N, Graf M, Cellerino A
    Aging Cell 2009, 8(2), 88-99
  • Mapping loci associated with tail color and sex determination in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri.
    Valenzano* DR, Kirschner* J, Kamber RA, Zhang E, Weber D, Cellerino A, Englert C, Platzer M, Reichwald K, Brunet A
    Genetics 2009, 183(4), 1385-95 * equal contribution


  • Large differences in aging phenotype between strains of the short-lived annual fish Nothobranchius furzeri.
    Terzibasi* E, Valenzano* DR, Benedetti M, Roncaglia P, Cattaneo A, Domenici L, Cellerino A
    PLoS One 2008, 3(12), e3866 * equal contribution


  • Resveratrol and the pharmacology of aging: a new vertebrate model to validate an old molecule.
    Valenzano DR, Cellerino A
    Cell Cycle 2006, 5(10), 1027-32 published during change of institution