We would like to invite you to this year’s DGfA meeting taking place
from 12.30pm on June 29th to 3pm on June 30th, 2023
at the Volkshaus Jena.
Prof. Dr. Helen Morrison, Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Prof. Dr. K. Lenhard Rudolph, Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
On behalf of the DGfA and Co-Organizers from FLI and from the
Center for Aging Research Jena (ZAJ) of the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU), Jena
Keynote Speakers
We have three outstanding keynote speakers presenting talks on emerging and inspiring topics in aging research including an emphasis on inter-organ communication that will be extremely exciting for our members and participants.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Immunology section, NIH, USA
Barbara’s innovative creation of "wildlings", laboratory mice born to wild mice having a natural microbiota and pathogens that model human immune responses, have major implications on microbiome research in the physiology and disease susceptibility during aging.
Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing - Department Mitochondrial Proteostasis section, Köln, Germany
Thomas has a long-standing expertise on the role of mitochondrial proteases for the maintenance of mitochondrial function during aging and age-related diseases. He is well known to the ageing research community. His recent work on metabolic programming of mitochondria into innate immune responses is a hot topic and at the forefront of ageing research.
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Inflammation section, Portugal
Miguel’s exciting research focus on the interplay between immune-driven resistance mechanisms. These stress and damage responses acting in parenchyma tissues confer tissue damage control and establish disease tolerance to infection. His transformative work on the interorgan interplay of immune-driven resistance and the stress and damage responses reprogramming the host metabolism is an inspiring emerging topic in aging research.

The theme of the meeting
We will bring together leading experts in the field of aging with the aim to foster intense discussions on new concepts and unpublished data.
Your participation will be highly valuable and will contribute to the continued success of the DGfA meetings.
, Carl-Zeiss-Platz 15, 07743 Jena, Germany

Recommended hotels:
Hotel costs are not included in the registration fee.
We have reserved a contingent of rooms in the following hotels.
We advise you to make your own reservations early as some of the hotels have only limited rooms available.
Please use the password “DGfA 2023” for booking.
Registration deadline on June 23, 2023.
Fee (plus possible bank fees):
Regular (non DGfA member): 70 €
DGfA member: free
Included in the registration fee are free access to all talks, poster presentation, and all conference meals.
If you would apply for a membership, you find more information here
also an " ".
Please transfer the registration fee of EUR 70 (plus possible bank fees)
to the following bank account before June 23:
Account name:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Alternsforschung - DGfA
Bank: Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank
IBAN: DE43 3006 0601 0003 3864 30
Reference: YourName_DGfA2023
Email to:
Please contact us in any case of questions!
Register now!
Open until June 23, 2023.
Registration for DGfA Meeting 2023:
Abstract Submission Form
Please download the abstract submission form here and upload it before May 15th (if you would like to be considered for a short talk).
We would like to inform you that the DGfA Meeting 2023
will start at 12.25 pm on June 29th with opening remarks. The meeting will finish at 1.30 pm, on June 30th, followed by the DGfA Member Assembly at 2 pm.