Inauguration Lecture of Katarzyna Winek

General Topics

On December 7, Alfred Nordheim, Scientific Director of the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute, invites to the Inauguration Lecture of Katarzyna Winek. The leader of the Junior Research Group Microbiome in Stroke and Aging will talk about “Brain-body interaction in ischemic stroke”.

Stroke, common in the elderly, is one of the most relevant causes of death and long-term disability worldwide with limited therapy options. Importantly, ischemic brain injury not only elicits neuroinflammatory response but impacts also other organs in the body. The crosstalk between the immune system and the CNS is of particular importance after stroke. Peripheral immune cells infiltrate the brain and simultaneously, systemic immune functions are suppressed, what contributes to increased susceptibility of stroke patients to infections. The Winek lab focuses on investigating the molecular regulators of post-stroke immune responses and characterizing the role of the “forgotten organ”* - intestinal microbiota (commensal microorganisms) in stroke outcome. Gut microbiota impacts many physiological and pathological processes in the host, however its function, and the overall importance of brain-gut axis in ischemic CNS injury is still not fully described. Elucidating detailed mechanisms of brain-body communication in stroke is of great relevance for identifying future therapeutic targets and strategies.

* O’Hara, A. M. & Shanahan, F. The gut flora as a forgotten organ. EMBO Rep 7, 688–693 (2006).


Title of Talk:Brain-body interaction in ischemic stroke
When:Thursday, December 7, 2023, 3:00 pm
Where:Seminar room “Nucleus”, main building (FLI 1), Beutenbergstraße 11, Jena
Host:       Alfred Nordheim (Scientific Director of the FLI)

The colloquium will be a hybrid event. Details for accessing the session will be provided before the colloquium takes place. For external guests: Please contact for details.