Satellite Symposium and Seminar Series on Stem Cell and Tumor Research


K. Lenhard Rudolph organizes a satellite symposium and seminar series on stem cell and tumor research, with a kick-off meeting and following colloqiums.


Time & Location:

Satellite Symposium
February 13-15, 2017
Renaissance Tuscany
Il Ciocco Lucca (Barga)/Italy

Seminar Series 2017
Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI), Jena/Germany


It is one of the central aspects of basic research to transfer results and knowledge into clinical practice. During the last decade, a wealth of results has improved our understanding of how somatic stem cells impact cancer development. In order to discuss future translational approaches for cancer prevention, the Leibniz Institute on Aging (FLI) organizes a satellite symposium as kick-off for a seminar series on stem cell and cancer research. Therefore, from February 13 to 15, 2017, leading researchers will discuss new concepts and possible collaboration projects in Lucca/Italy, followed by seminars which will take place in Jena/Germany during the course of this year.


Satellite Symposium

  • Andreas Trumpp - DKFZ, Heidelberg;
  • Hans-Reimer Rodewald, DKFZ, Heidelberg;
  • Maarten  van Lohuizen, NKI, Niederlande;
  • Cedric Blanpain, Freie Universität Brüssel;
  • Manuel Serrano, CNIO, Madrid;
  • Allison Bardin, Institute curie, Paris;
  • Hans Clevers, Huprecht Institute, Utrecht;
  • Douglos Winton, Chambridge, UK;
  • K. Lenhard Rudolph, FLI, Jena.

Seminar Series at FLI



K. Lenhard Rudolph | Leibniz Institut für Alternsforschung (FLI), Jena, Deutschland

Supported by:

Merck KGaA, Germany
Vita 34 AG, Germany
IDT, Inc., USA