Former Research Group - Weih



  • Cohesin-mediated NF-κB signaling limits hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal in aging and inflammation.
    Chen Z, Amro EM, Becker F, Hölzer M, Rasa SMM, Njeru SN, Han B, Di Sanzo S, Chen Y, Tang D, Tao S, Haenold R, Groth M, Romanov VS, Kirkpatrick JM, Kraus JM, Kestler HA, Marz M, Ori A, Neri F, Morita** Y, Rudolph** KL
    J Exp Med 2019, 216(1), 152-75 ** co-corresponding authors
  • The nuclear pore proteins Nup88/214 and T-ALL-associated NUP214 fusion proteins regulate Notch signaling.
    Kindermann B, Valkova C, Krämer A, Perner B, Engelmann C, Behrendt L, Kritsch D, Jungnickel B, Kehlenbach RH, Oswald F, Englert C, Kaether C
    J Biol Chem 2019, 294(31), 11741-50
  • Alternative NF-κB signaling controls peripheral homeostasis and function of regulatory T cells.
    Koliesnik IO, Andreas N, Thuy A, Sreekantapuram S, Haenold R, Weih F
    Immunobiology 2019, 224(5), 687-96
  • Constitutive activation of the alternative NF-κB pathway disturbs endochondral ossification.
    Nakatomi C, Nakatomi M, Matsubara T, Komori T, Doi-Inoue T, Ishimaru N, Weih F, Iwamoto T, Matsuda M, Kokabu S, Jimi E
    Bone 2019, 121, 29-41


  • A new RelB-dependent CD117+ CD172a+ murine dendritic cell subset preferentially induces Th2 differentiation and supports airway hyperresponses in vivo.
    Andreas N, Riemann M, Castro CN, Groth M, Koliesnik I, Engelmann C, Sparwasser T, Kamradt T, Haenold R, Weih F
    Eur J Immunol 2018, 48(6), 923-36