Assoziierte Forschungsgruppe Ori



  • Spatially resolved analysis of FFPE tissue proteomes by quantitative mass spectrometry.
    Buczak K, Kirkpatrick JM, Truckenmueller F, Santinha D, Ferreira L, Roessler S, Singer S, Beck** M, Ori** A
    Nat Protoc 2020, 15(9), 2956-79 ** co-corresponding authors
  • Loss of metabolic plasticity underlies metformin toxicity in aged Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Espada* L, Dakhovnik* A, Chaudhari* P, Martirosyan A, Miek L, Poliezhaieva T, Schaub Y, Nair A, Döring N, Rahnis N, Werz O, Koeberle A, Kirkpatrick J, Ori A, Ermolaeva MA
    Nat Metab 2020, 2(11), 1316-31 * equal contribution
  • Region-specific effects of aging on the small intestinal epithelium and the influence of dietary restriction
    Gebert N
    Dissertation 2020, Jena, Germany
  • Region-Specific Proteome Changes of the Intestinal Epithelium during Aging and Dietary Restriction.
    Gebert N, Cheng CW, Kirkpatrick JM, Di Fraia D, Yun J, Schädel P, Pace S, Garside GB, Werz O, Rudolph KL, Jasper H, Yilmaz ÖH, Ori A
    Cell Rep 2020, 31(4), 107565
  • Reduced proteasome activity in the aging brain results in ribosome stoichiometry loss and aggregation.
    Kelmer Sacramento* E, Kirkpatrick* JM, Mazzetto* M, Baumgart M, Bartolome A, Di Sanzo S, Caterino C, Sanguanini M, Papaevgeniou N, Lefaki M, Childs D, Bagnoli S, Terzibasi Tozzini E, Di Fraia D, Romanov N, Sudmant PH, Huber W, Chondrogianni N, Vendruscolo M, Cellerino** A, Ori** A
    Mol Syst Biol 2020, 16(6), e9596 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • The GID ubiquitin ligase complex is a regulator of AMPK activity and organismal lifespan.
    Liu H, Ding J, Köhnlein K, Urban N, Ori A, Villavicencio-Lorini P, Walentek P, Klotz LO, Hollemann T, Pfirrmann T
    Autophagy 2020, 16(9), 1618-34
  • Vulnerability of progeroid smooth muscle cells to biomechanical forces is mediated by MMP13.
    Pitrez PR, Estronca L, Monteiro LM, Colell G, Vazão H, Santinha D, Harhouri K, Thornton D, Navarro C, Egesipe AL, Carvalho T, Dos Santos RL, Lévy N, Smith JC, de Magalhães JP, Ori A, Bernardo A, De Sandre-Giovannoli A, Nissan X, Rosell A, Ferreira L
    Nat Commun 2020, 11(1), 4110
  • Proteomic analyses of muscle stem cells and their niche reveal novel factors affecting regeneration of skeletal muscle during aging
    Schüler SC
    Dissertation 2020, Jena, Germany
  • Stem Cell Aging: The Upcoming Era of Proteins and Metabolites.
    Schüler* SC, Gebert* N, Ori A
    Mech Ageing Dev 2020, 190, 111288 * equal contribution


  • Quantitation of Reactive Acyl-CoA Species Mediated Protein Acylation by HPLC-MS/MS.
    Baldensperger T, Simone DS, Ori A, Glomb MA
    Anal Chem 2019, 91(19), 12336-43