Former Associated Research Group - Weih/Hänold (until 2017)



  • RelB regulates Th17 differentiation in a cell-intrinsic manner.
    Koliesnik IO, Andreas N, Romanov VS, Sreekantapuram S, Krljanac B, Haenold R, Weih F
    Immunobiology 2018, 223(2), 191-9


  • RelB(+) Steady-State Migratory Dendritic Cells Control the Peripheral Pool of the Natural Foxp3(+) Regulatory T Cells.
    Döhler A, Schneider T, Eckert I, Ribechini E, Andreas N, Riemann M, Reizis B, Weih F, Lutz MB
    Front Immunol 2017, 8, 726
  • Central immune tolerance depends on crosstalk between the classical and alternative NF-κB pathways in medullary thymic epithelial cells.
    Riemann M, Andreas N, Fedoseeva M, Meier E, Weih D, Freytag H, Schmidt-Ullrich R, Klein U, Wang ZQ, Weih F
    J Autoimmun 2017, 81, 56-67
  • RHEB1 insufficiency in aged male mice is associated with stress-induced seizures.
    Tian Q, Gromov P, Clement JH, Wang Y, Riemann M, Weih F, Sun XX, Dai MS, Fedorov LM
    Geroscience 2017, 39(5-6), 557-70


  • RelB-dependent CD117+ CD172a+ cDCs induce Th2 cell responses and maintain RORϫt+ Treg homeostasis in mucosal tissues
    Andreas N
    Dissertation 2016, Jena, Germany